Apache Grosse - Lifestyle

Apache Grosse is an Alt RnB visionary creating introspective music with equally compelling visuals. ‘Lifestyle’ is the second track from project ‘Life After Her’ which is paired with a film being released January 25th
‘Lifestyle’ reflects on Apache’s life and how he lives, it delves into the highs and lows of his success, and how his lifestyle is alien to many but normal to him
The production is slick with percussive elements and sliding 808s, the arrangement builds throughout and creates familiarity in the chorus being stuck in your mind by the end of the track
This track shows Apache’s more reflective side and creates a moment in the EP to breathe and reflect. Pairing the EP with a film shows his vision and ability to create cohesion between audible and visual works. I’m excited to see their project out to the world and how it will translate into a live setting