What inspired you to create Artist Avenues?

My own curiosity of the industry really. It started out as a major project for uni to try and show how manager/artist relationships can work. I wanted to try and make a docuseries around an artist trying to ‘make it’ in the industry, and since then it’s spread from YouTube to more platforms. I was intrigued by labels, A&R, managers and all of it, but I had no idea how to get a foot into their world. I’ve been told time and time again that speaking to people is the main gateway, so this was a good means to do that.

Where would you like it to go?

I’d like it to be a platform for everyone starting out in the industry. It’s so accessible to make music nowadays but you can get lost in all the business behind it. There’s a hundred different blogs and platforms, but our focus is to be more personal, and get to the nitty gritty. Hoping to eventually start reporting on industry events and what discussions are being had by key figures in the industry. The point there is to help people that can’t necessarily attend access the latest talks from wherever they are.

What excites you about the industry in 2024?

Things are moving forward for artists globally. Artists from all over the world have a chance to appeal to listeners everywhere. Afrobeats and Latin Music have made strides and continue to rise in popularity, I’m excited to see where that goes and what’s next. That, and the fact that more research, campaign and effort is being put into campaigning for women and nonbinary people in the industry. Ready to leave the boys club behind please and thank you.

What is the biggest change you’d like to see in the industry throughout the year?

That’s a good one.. I need to take this on board myself but more support for local venues would be great, I wouldn’t want to see any more shut down. It’s where artists can find their footing, to take it away would be detrimental.

What is your biggest advice for independent artists?

Get a team around you. There’s plenty of photographers, social media managers, producers etc. who are just starting out and would jump at a chance to build on their skills and help you with your career. As an artist you’ll want to focus on the music and live show to stand out in your own way.

A new artist you think deserves more recognition?

Slowe is a really cool Welsh artist and producer doing loads right now. She’s got that Bedroom Pop thing about her, but is making music with a bit of everything, especially love that soulful Erykah Badu style she does. Nicola Gaea in London is another cool songwriter too. Both underground but both quickly rising in the ranks.