Casual Healing - Up and Down

Written By Laura Mills (10/3/24)

Photographs by Francesca Sewell

On March 8th, Casual Healing, aka Nikau Te Huki, released the fourth single titled ‘Up & Down’ from his debut album ‘DRIFTWOOD’ which will be released in April.


Through his music, Casual Healing urges life lessons of aroha, peace and harmony through powerful lyrical scribe woven into smooth reggae soul rhythm, and this song demonstrates this perfectly.


This song’s roots, rock, and reggae fusion instantly earns it the status of a classic; with its creamy chorus-drenched guitar and punchy-crunchy tape-sounding drums, ‘Up and Down’ has Casual Healing’s signature style and trademark written all over it.


The sound of Casual Healing is impeccably paired with Te Huki’s boyish charisma and endowed with the power and sense of meaningful dialogue that can only originate from a seasoned mind. 

Listening to this track is pure escapism; leaving us feeling like we’re drifting through an alternate universe where the grass is always greener. He fondly refers to ‘Up and Down’ as his “golden child”, with an upbeat, melancholic anthem taking us through the highs and lows of the human experience. In this track, Casual Healing shares a story of life to uplift, inspire and call out those elements of life that we all battle with, referencing childhood simplicity, reminiscence and freedom. 


Casual Healing shares a flawless and robust message, reminding humanity that hitting rock bottom and reaching new heights are all part of our emotional holistic pilgrimage. A message we all welcome and receive with open arms.


In April 2024, Casual Healing will release his debut album ‘DRIFTWOOD’ which showcases four years of Nikau’s most personal and intimate recordings compiled into a collection of Soul, Folk, Hip-Hop, Dub, Trap, R&B and Marae-style track.