New Releases...


Zoe Ecstasy - Tough Lover

Tough Lover is Zoe’s debut track as she enters the pop world

m4x - Day By Day

m4x starts 2024 as he left 23 with classic tracks and captivating hooks

Magenta - It's all beginning

Magenta vocalises her fears and struggles as she starts a new life

Slow Coast - Hypnotized

Slow Coast shows us his sunny soundscape in Hypnotized

Camens - Cynical

Cynical details the falling apart of a relationship

Lei Hope - Boyfriend

Lei Hope’s is back with ‘Heist or Hit’ debut ‘Boyfriend’

Mei Rose - Someone

Mei Rose lets us into her luscious soundscape 

Palmmeadow - Trees

‘Trees’ shows off Palmmeadows ability to pair great lyrics with a great band

Superflirt - Fights

Superflirt blends modern production with traditional songwriting 

Opposite Milk - Pink In The Face

Pink In The Face is an honest acoustic love song by Opposite Milk

Yoe & Hoshea Mase - Together Again

Yoe and Hoshea Mase create a ambient soundscape in ‘Together Again!’


CHRLI discusses love and loss in track APRIL

Charlie Houston - Cranberry

Charlie Houston introduces us to her unique soundscape in ‘Cranberry’

Pio Harnett - When I Go There

Pio Carnet creates a dark lo-fi ballad with ‘When I Go There’

Hudson Freeman - When You Get Old

Hudson opens up to about wanting to be remembered 

Kid Kapichi - 999

Kid Kapichi highlight the brutality of police force in ‘999’

MyKey - Heaven On My Own

MyKey lets us into his dreamy vintage soundscape

After Ours, Hether - Again

After Ours and Hether form the perfect duo on track ‘Again’

Meiwei - My Doing

Meiwei talks about the sacrifices made to be in the creative industry

Iris Holmes - Autumn Without It

Iris reflects on time after a break-up in track ‘Autumn Without It’

Kenzo Divic - Jimi On The Wall

Kenzo lets us into his unique soundscape in this track

Emerson Leif - Fine

Emerson Leif introduces to his Lo-Fi soundscape

Hinshi - retirement home

Hinshi talks to a past love and reflects on failed promises 

Eden Rain - Terry and Julie

Terry and Julie live a very standard life until they fall back into each other

White China - Hang Up The Lights

White China slows our pulse and makes us listen with album opener 

Sunkissed Child - What U Say?

Sunkissed Child strips back her track ‘What U Say?’ 

Trust Fund - our american tour

‘our american tour’ sees Trust Fund talk about the highs and lows of tour life

Nathanie - Cheap Cologne

‘Independent Lady’ is a laid back acoustic track from Me + the Others

John Robert - Come Pick Me Up

John Roberts shows off his unique soundscape in ‘Come Pick Me Up’

FruitPunchLoverBoy - FANCY COAT

‘FANCY COAT’ blends lofi and distorted elements