Kenzo Divic - Jimi On The Wall


Kenzo Divic is a Boston based singer/songwriter, operating within an alternative folk soundscape. ‘Jimi On The Wall’ is the second track on his EP ‘Three Homes’ which see’s Kenzo discusses getting lost in your own direction


The track makes it tough to hear the words clearly, but they feel self-reflective and like they’re reflecting on mistakes made in the past leading to a break-up, this is from lines such as ‘stranded, and my minds away’ and ‘if I only I knew to think of me and you’


The production is stylistically rough around the edges, fitting with the performance and topics within the track. The track progresses from an acoustic backdrop to a full grudging band midway through and ending with guitar again and brass 


‘Three Homes’ shows Kenzo’s ability to create sonic coherency between tracks and getting an embodied stories linking them all. Having done some shows and experimented with his sound within a live setting I’m excited to see this progress and grow into something completely his own