Lauren Mikki - Anything (For You)

Lauren Mikki is a Leeds based RnB artist combining ethereal soundscapes with raw emotions and human touch, Anything (For You) see’s Lauren explore her soundscape and vocal abilities with producer Kya
The lyrics explore the feeling you get meeting and falling for someone and be willing to do anything for them. The second verse talks about the fact they are both still growing and emotionally ‘teething’ so it won’t be perfect
The production is fluid constantly using different elements to keep the listener engaged and hooked, utilising Lauren’s vocals percussively and melodically. The mix feels spacious whilst full allowing Laurens story to be told centrally, driving the track
This is a great track from Lauren showcasing her vocal ability and collaborative ability, working with Kya to create a lush but chaotic soundscape. With new music out since ‘Anything’ there seems to be no slowing down from Lauren and an EP forming in front of our eyes