Nathaniel, Kudo - I Don't Wanna Know

Nathaniel is a Brisbane based artist blurring the line between a RnB and Lofi soundscape. ‘I Don’t Wanna Know’ is the fourth track on latest EP ‘To Those That Left Me Stranded’, exploring the idea of missing of someone but wanting to ignore it
The lyrics explore the feelings after a breakup, changing from missing them, to be being better on your own and going through that cycle constantly. The whole EP explores different subjects and parts of a breakup, like chapters in a book
The production is slick and easy on the ears, utilising reverbs, and low frequencies to back the defensive nature of the track. The vocals are multi-tracked spreading the soundscape and giving a warmth to the track
The thoughtful nature of the EP and its execution shows Nathaniel’s talent as a visionary artist, creating a whole project rather than putting together rather segments. Blending RnB with his bedroom sound puts Nathaniel in a lane of his own, I’m excited to see what’s next for him