The Bobo - Nonsense

The Bobo is the dark pop/ electronic solo project of Maria Rozalska, blending soft percussion with dreamy sounds to create an effortless soundscape. Latest release ‘Nonsense’ is a soft-spoken track where Bobo talks through falling out with someone and needing space
‘Nonsense’ see’s Bobo going through a break with someone and not knowing where they stand, as she questions if the person has changed their mind as they don’t seem to be on the same page anymore
The production has a darker tone with its low driven elements and spacious percussion. With Bobos almost whispered vocals creating a slightly haunting yet beautiful sound, utilising space, and reverbs to create an atmospheric soundscape
Having gained recognition from the BBC for her work, and a clear sense of her imagine and direction there seems to be no slowing down for Bobo anytime soon, hopefully 2024 will bring her some live shows to gain more fans