First off how are you doing? 

Im fine thanks for asking, I’ve just been stuck in traffic for 2 hours so I’m very happy that I’m finally here

How are you feeling about the album release?

Yeah it’s good, we’ve had a really good response so far. I’ve glanced at some numbers and I think we’re edging towards one million listeners, apart from the metrics i’m excited to take the album on the road and see what people think of it

Did your approach change creating a complete body of work?

We made the album as singles so it really just made itself, we didn’t think about it as an album too much

Did touring with Star Sailor influence you?

Yeah, those guys were really nice they gave us beers in the backroom, we were kind of remarking their sound by the time we got to Manchester, they had a really specific and focused audience which we interacted with. It was really inspiring as I used to listen to ‘Silence Is Easy’ so to share a producer is great, it’s been really nice to rub shoulders

Are there any significant memories attached to the album?

Probably ‘Addicted To Love’ because it has the line ‘our brains lives on when we die’ and I’m intrigued by the after life so it has significance to me