Yasmin Coe - Promise Not To Care


Yasmin Coe is a Manchester based singer songwriter – gaining traction with thoughtful lyrics and dark sided soundscape. ‘Promise Not To Care’ is her latest track talking about wanting to break free from someone who is treating her well


The track tells a story of hurtful reflection of feeling trapped but not realising it but being conscious to the fact she wants to break free; it reflects on actions and scenarios with a new view bringing clarity to it all


The production starts blurry with flanged Guitars but grows into a dark band with low key percussion, there’s a break-through where Yasmin’s vocals cut’s through and the track has more energy. The production allows Yasmin’s story to shine through


This is a great track from Yasmin showing her reflective side and depth, allowing dynamic changes throughout her live sets and moments for rest. I’m excited to see where her future projects travel and the story they will create